Crispy Bacon
Both J and T were silent.
J. Because he wasn't a morning person at all, and confronting T about how he was feeling took all of the little morning energy he had.
T. She was obviously hurt and confused.
"Can I take your orders" The waitress broke the silence, not realising what had just transpired.
T and J hadn't even looked at the menus.
"Sorry. We haven't even looked" said J "Give us a moment"
It was time to move from the previous 5 minutes. Issue had been resolved and J wanted to move things along.
"I want what I had last week" said J. It was always eggs, bacon, tomato and mushrooms. "But the servings are so big...I don't know whether I can finish it all"
T put down the menu satisfied "Well I'm going with what I had last week. Eggs Benedict"
The waitress returned.
"Eggs Benedict!"
"Fried eggs, bacon, tomato and mushrooms"
T and J began to talk as per usual.
T finished her breakfast first. J struggled, finally pushing his plate forward satisfied. There was still a pile of bacon left. It was crispy anyways. And J is not a fan of cripsy bacon at all.
T reached across and picked up a piece of the bacon. She was a fan.
"Mmmmmm......good thing you don't like crispy bacon J. This has finished off my breakfast nicely"